Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Line Dance, Square Dance & Circle Dance

line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows without regard for the gender of the individuals, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancers are not in physical contact with each other. Older "line dances" have lines in which the dancers face each other, or the "line" is a circle, or all dancers in the "line" follow a leader around the dance floor; while holding the hand of the dancers beside them.

Square dance is a folk dance with four couples (eight dancers) arranged in a square, with one couple on each side, beginning with Couple 1 facing away from the music and going counter-clockwise until getting to Couple 4. Couples 1 and 3 are known as the head couples, while Couples 2 and 4 are the side couples. Each dance begins and ends each sequence with "sets-in-order" in the square formation. The various square dance movements are based on the steps and figures used in traditional folk dances and social dances of the various people who migrated to the USA. Some of these traditional dances include Morris dance, English Country Dance, Caledonians and the quadrille. Square dancing is enjoyed by people around the world, and people around the world are involved in the continuing development of this form of dance.

Circle dance is the most common name for a style of traditional dance usually done in a circle without partners to musical accompaniment. Dancing in a circle is an ancient tradition common to many cultures for marking special occasions, strengthening community and encouraging togetherness. The circle is probably the oldest known dance formation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvwgIAVvLpY

Monday, January 30, 2012

http://www.glogster.com/kickass98/life/g-6lpgp3juegvogprc369hea0 This is the project thing i had to do in class it is a story of life with songs that tell people about your life.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dylan S-Y The Zipping Cheetah Zoo Rules 5/1/26/12

Hey, you I’m bigger and faster then you so don’t try running if you broke any of my rules alright. Your meat I eat meat, meat is good so ill eat you if you mess with me ok thanks now welcome to the zoo.
#1 Don’t throw food at us we don’t like it we have our own food. So if you keep doing that you should come in the cage so we can eat you so stop! Ok we like meat not your junk that you eat so go away.
#2 Do not I repeat do not! Stick your arms and hands in the cage or we will bite and possibly rip your arm or hand off. So you need to keep out of the enclosure we could be hungry and want to eat you but we can try not to.
#3 Don’t make loud noises or mock us. You are not one of us you are a human and we don’t mock you so you can just go away and do something else with your life instead of bugging us. We find it very rude when you do that so if your not one of us stop or go away.
#4 Don’t throw trash in the cage it can hurt us or be harmful to us we could choke and die from this. It goes in the trash can we do not keep it for us to play with it is not a toy to us so keep it out.
#5 Ok this is the number 5 rule this is one of the most things we hate. When you take pictures you need to keep the flash off it can blind us for a few minutes it hurts the eyes. Pictures can be taken but you need to keep the flash off.
Yours one and only
The zippin cheetah!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hangin For the Summer Of 2011!

At the start of 2011 it was when i went camping for the first week. My step brother got stung by a bee and  then we had to go and hang at the camp. So then i went and walked around looking at the flowers...Seen a deer while i was walking. Got fireworks and went home set them off on the 4th of july!

The most memorable things i did was going to tennessee for the summer and seeing my stepbrother and stepdad and just hanging out playing madden it was fun.  went swimming for the day had a bbq and got some good steak it was really good. The summer is the best time of the year because its warm and then nice and cool at night so then you cool off from the warm air cause then you wont be all hot from the day or just hang  out in the water to cool off. Later that night we went and got the things we needed for  camping and then we stayed at this park and went to the camping for 2 days it was fun.

After the camping was done we went back home and played outside i was a  fun day i was thowing a football with my stepbrother he fell and hit the ground and he hurt his leg and started crying so then we all went inside for the day. It was now our last day to stay there so we just went to the store and go some stuff for the drive back home

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

:( The Montreal Massacre :(

Broadcast Date: Dec. 6, 1989
A gunman confronts 60 engineering students during their class at l'École Polytechnique in Montreal on Dec. 6, 1989. He separates the men from the women and tells the men to leave the classroom, threatening them with his .22-calibre rifle. The enraged man begins a shooting rampage that spreads to three floors and several classrooms, jumping from desk to desk while female students cower below. He roams the corridors yelling, "I want women." Before opening fire in the engineering class, he calls the women "une gang de féministes" and says "J'haïs les féministes [I hate feminists]." One person pleads that they are not feminists, just students taking engineering. But the gunman doesn't listen. He shoots the women and then kills himself. Parents of the Polytechnique students wait outside the school crying and wonder if their daughters are among the 14 dead tonight.

I was surprised to discover....
- To find out that he had killed him self
- Seeing a man lay down faking dead
- Why just the girls died
- That one of the women lived
- That the men were let go and at least 14 women died
- It was in 1989
- The killer was Marc Lepine
- it happened for For 45 minutes on Dec. 6, 1989

The steps that need to be taken to stop violence against women are stoping violence not letting people go in to places with out being searched and checked for anything on them that could be harmful to people in the area.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fun Day!

Today me class got to go over to Q.E.C.V.I. and go see an astornaunt . It was a great experiance .He had  2 slide shows and 2 videos and i love'd them both.I personaly have always wanted to see space and what gos on up there and seeing the astornaunts videos and pictures really interested me. My friends and I went to ask if he could moon walk and he said no, then one of his sons said he cant jugggle ethier . I found that really funny . The class got a picure with the astornaunt. And i got a bro hug cause im cools lol

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pro Gamer

Have YOU ever wanted to be a pro gamer? Well in order to you have to play games cluch pro like playing cod and mw2 and zombies etc.

Being a pro gamer is awesome because you are better then lots of people when your have a hard time with people talking the whole time saying stupid thinks. playing cod you have to level up to unlock things if you want to have things to put on your guns so they are faster and stonger then they were before. You can get camo and perks for your person so that you dont die easy and you can get the people back with the same thing that they used on you.

When your a pro gamer people want you to help them out with what there doing so they can level up and get what they need but then you end up vs'ing them the next day. so you only want to help them if they stay with you and really want your help; or to just trick you into getting killed if your not pro people dont like dumb people because they always end up messing you up and getting killed.

 So become a pro gamer!!!